Monday, December 9, 2013

What's Worse Than 0200 Change Control?

Change control at 0100.  On Monday morning.

ETA:  And I get to do it again tomorrow.  Oh.  Yay.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Global Warming My ***

It was zero glorious degrees outside this morning with a wind chill of minus-eighteen.  Currently the temperature has made it all the way up to ONE ABOVE.

"Average" for this time of year is supposedly 36 high and 16 low.

If the Global keeps Warming at this rate, the glaciers will have returned by February.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rifle ID Bleg

Can anyone identify the rifle in these photos?  Click to embiggen.

Several active and former military/sniper/Camp-Perry friends have weighed in with their opinions, but unfortunately no two of them seem to agree.


Working Change Control at 0200
