Solitary eclectic Witch with Dianic leanings, gun enthusiast and 2A supporter, owned by assorted Greyhounds, Thoroughbreds, and the odd Scottish Deerhound and EvilPony™
Any products or services reviewed on this blog were legally purchased by me. Favorable or unfavorable reports are the result of my direct experience with those products or services.
I do not review products I do not own or use, nor do I accept any requests for product endorsements, with or without offered considerations.
"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
Damn...wish I'd seen this earlier to forward to my husband!
Of course, these days diamonds may be cheaper...
Not by much, friend. Not by much...
Sheesh, you coulda said something BEFORE V-day ya know, LOL.
I didn't get any JHP's for V Day, but the 140 rounds of 7.62x25 I got came with a CZ-52 to shoot them and a dozen roses.
It was a G'n'R day! :-D
(WV:"nesseddl": I'm afraid to say that one out loud, lest I turn one of my cats into a frog.)
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